Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Biggest Loser S14:E3

By and large an uneventful episode, though we did learn a few terrifying statistics about childhood obesity that I dearly hope are exaggerated for tv audience.  For instance, guess what percentage of parents of obese children think their children are either normal or even under weight?  Like, if you were the parent of an obese child, and you were asked directly where you thought your child landed on the obesity scale, what would you answer?  Seventy five percent!!!  Holy hell!  Look right at your kids, folks.  Look right at them.  Those extra jelly rolls are NOT normal kid shapes!
Anyhow, they try to make a point by locking the team that lost the trivia challenge (blue team) in the kid's playroom for four and a half hours every day and not letting them work out.  Actually just seemed silly and un-impactful for either team or audience.  Just saying.
The challenge is to crawl through a pit filled with bubblegum a bunch of times, and it seems both gross, and potentially dangerous to knees and other twistable joints.  I'm not a fan.
Jillian and Pam fight some more - Pam still has a bit of negativity inside her, and Jillian is tired of mincing words with her.  Sorry Jillian, sometimes it takes people weeks or months to realize it, but after watching so many seasons of this show, I'm sure whoever survives to the end will make that breakthrough.  They did have a hilarious moment right in the middle of getting in each other's faces - Pam says she cannot possibly manage these bearclaws!  And Jillian stops screaming for a second to laugh and correct her - bearcrawls, Pam.  Not bearclaws.  Bearclaws are how you got into this mess.  Bearcrawls will get you out.
Dolvett's team (red) loses the weigh in and is forced to make the first elimination decision of the season.  They've made it more Survivor voting style (more high-tech) instead of their usual discussion/sniping format.  They eliminate Cate.
Have I mentioned the new pictures all over the gym?  Former contestants with motivational quotes and thin smiling bodies. I'm loving it.  I even hear some of them have become trainers.  That is too awesome.  Here's a link to all the posters.