Shells Types: Any shell can be used for any of the three types of bombs - lethal, tactical, and diversionary.
- Fuse Shell: These babies bounce, and detonate after 3 seconds. Great for bouncing one around a corner or under a roof.
- Impact Shell: These bombs detonate immediately upon hitting something, great for immediate incapacitation in the middle of a fight.
- Tripwire Shell: These bombs are planted and then are triggered when someone walks near it. Great for patrolling guards and undetected murdering.
- Sticky Pouch: These bombs stick to things, such as guards and walls, and will detonate after 5 seconds. Great for stealthy murders and reaching someone who's guarded. Just stick a bomb on someone who's walking in his direction.
Powder Types: Any powder can be used for any of the three types of bombs. Powder is the 'boom' part of the bomb, packed into the core near the fuse.
- Indian Gunpowder: For smaller explosions, when you don't want to kill passersby or draw too much attention.
- Arabic Gunpowder: For medium explosions, when you want to cover a couple of guards, but not endanger too many people
- British Gunpowder: For large explosions, when you want to cover a lot of area.
And finally, the effects, the 'filler' part of the bomb, which will explode outwards when the bomb is triggered. These I will divide into their respective pouch categories. You initially have room for 3 bombs in each of 3 pouches, lethal, tactical, and diversionary.
Lethal Effects:
- Shrapnel: Murder-licious.
- Datura Powder: Poison-y goodness.
- Coal Dust: Concussive death.
Tactical Effects:
- Lamb's Blood: Being covered in blood so suddenly is apparently enough of a shock that most every just stops in their tracks in horror
- Caltrops: We had these in Batman! Well, you did if you had the Catwoman DLC. Caltrops are little spiky jacks that cover the floor and make everyone standing in the area hop around in pain
- Phosphorous: Your basic smoke bomb, which I almost never use for escape, but almost always use to blind a huge group of people (using British Gunpowder for maximum area) and then take my time to slice n' dice. Or drop one on a group of guards and walk past them casually.
Diversionary Effects:
- Salt of Petra: Creates a smoke signal which will attract any guards that happen to be looking in that direction. They will run over to where the signal is and investigate while you take whatever they were guarding. I haven't found a good range on it yet - sometimes the guards I want to see it don't seem to notice the smoke.
- Sulphur: Creates a noise that nearby guards will rush to investigate. It's easier to gauge the distance on this one. Also, the game is quick to point out that there are two factions of city guards, and if you get both to investigate the same spot, they'll break out into a nice little fight.
- Skunk Oil: This one is a bit more situational. If you need to separate one person from a group, getting him covered in skunk oil is a great way to do it - he's stunned for a moment, and anyone that was near him is sure to keep their distance. I've never had a use for it - if I want a guy dead, I'm happy to also kill anyone who's next to him.
- Pyrite Coins: Explodes fake gold coins over the area! Peasants will rush and and push guards down in order to get at them.
So you can see how many options there are. It's just about verging on ridiculous. Oh well, I guess AC:R wants you to have your options.