Friday, May 27, 2011

Today: Be More Firm

Debriefing from Evil Think Tank: We came up with some pretty good stuff.
- come to work in costume. Link, Mario, Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain America, Star Trek uniform, Team Fortress 2 Spy. Endless possibilities. And, of course, refuse to admit he's in costume when asked.
- send himself elaborate display gifts. Bouquets of flowers, huge baskets of treats, giant balloon displays. Also refuse to talk about them, but leave them sitting in an inconvenient place.
- set his cell phone to super loud and obnoxious ring tone, and be called every ten minutes. Refuse to answer the phone.
- buy a huge box of donuts and not offer to share with anyone. Throw excess in the trash.
- make popcorn so the place smells like popcorn. Still do not share.
- eat durian for lunch. So tasty! So smelly!
- wear a snuggie to work
- fish on lunchbreak, keep bait and/or caught fish in a bucket next to his desk
- leave a cardboard cutout of himself at his desk in his place
- talk to self and play the occasional musical instrument at his desk.

And the think tank keeps churning...

Today I'm going to Be More Firm.

I'm doubt I'm known for being firm, but I also doubt I'm known for being easily steamrolled into doing another person's bidding. And if someone thinks the latter, well they're about to be on the wrong end of this resolution.