De-Briefing from Pre-Emptive Updates: There's a pretty big downside to updates in my particular situation that I probably should have seen coming. My boss gets excited when I tell him what progress I've made, and then immediately suggests something ELSE I could do, on top of what I already told him I was about to do. For every report I give him, I get twice as much work and half as much time to do it. The more I report, the more he'll say: "ok, then I'll plan to hear from you again in an hour, when you've got that done." This escalates until I'm emailing at midnight on Saturday, with: "No, you won't hear from me. I'm going to sleep now. And I'm not going to work on this until Monday, just fyi."
Today, it's Nose to the Grindstone.
I'm going to put myself to work today, and (hopefully) do everything right, just so I can feel better about taking some days off next week.