Nan: "I have just turned into a potato."
Me: "Just now."
Nan: "Yes. Just now."
Me: "Of course."
Nan: "I feel exceptionally starchy."
Me: "Mmm."
Nan: "I am a potato, potato, potato. A sweet potato, even. A yam, perhaps."
Me: "I'll be over here, ignoring your crazy."
Nan: "A wookie potato. Rwaawrn."
Me: "... I'm going to have to kill you now."
Nan: "Well, remember. The sun'll come out, tomorrow, tomorrow, it's uh... going to be sunny."
Me: "First of all, tomorrow is forecasted for rain, secondly, those aren't even the lyrics."
Nan: "Don't underestimate the orphan's powers."
Me: "Of... weather forecasting?"
Nan: "She has a doppler radar built into her head."
Me: "Is that so?"
Nan: "Of course. Annie - it's short for Anntenna."
Me: "You die now."