Reminder - they have a Roku channel now for VODs, so get yourself some snacks and settle in for eons of watching LCS if you've got one.
EU playoffs was pretty dull, what I caught of it, so I'll quickly sum up NA playoffs and then get to the rest of the vods. It'll be brief, but you'll know what to watch.
--- GAME 1 ---
TSM bans: Nidalee, Lulu, Ryze
DIG bans: Zed, Nunu, Alistar
TSM: Maokai, Lee Sin, Syndra, Kog'Maw
DIG: Nasus, Kha'Zix, Zigs, Corki, Thresh
This one is quite interesting, especially at the very end. It's another great showcase for ZionSpartan; he's had a few of those.
--- GAME 2 ---
TSM bans: Nidalee, Ryze, Lulu
DIG bans: Zed, Lee Sin, Alistar
TSM: Maokai, Elise, Syndra, Lucian Nami
DIG: Dr. Mundo, Nunu, Zigs, Kog'Maw, Thresh
This one was quite long, due to DIG getting behind early and then ever-so-slowly digging their way out of a gold deficit. DIG gets it all the way back to even, then there was another wacky base race at the end very similar to game 1... Crazy times.
--- GAME 3 ---
TSM bans: Nidalee, Zigs, Ryze
DIG bans: Zed, Lee Sin, Alistar
TSM: Lulu, Nunu, Orianna, Tristana, Nami
DIG: Maokai, Kha'Zix, Ahri, Lucian, Braum
TSM gets rid of the Zigs long-range tower defense and then plays Protect the Tristana. Wildturtle gets god-like damage by the end and there's no stopping him.
--- GAME 4 ---
TSM bans: Nidalee, Zigs, Ryze
DIG bans: Zed, Lee Sin, Alistar
TSM: Lulu, Nunu, Syndra, Lucian, Nami
DIG: Olaf, Kha'Zix, Xerath, Corki, Thresh
In all of these games, there's been a 'cheese' - well I wouldn't go so far as to call it a cheese, but there's been a 'gimmick' at the very least, and I'm pretty surprised that the bans in the next game never reflected that. Maybe I'm really falling out of touch with the science behind bans. But, despite not banning Nasus in game 2, DIG never played it again, and have instead opted for a new gimmick: Olaf / Xerath. Nasus was successful and TSM never came up with an answer, why not give him another go?